Sunday, May 19, 2013

Any Questions :D comments, or anything are welcome!!! If you ask i will always answer, or review on any Rave/Topic 

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Gay Marriage- Supreme court

What i have always loved about the rave community, is the acceptance and love 

Doesn't matter if your straight  gay, bi, pansexual, asexual, transexual how you identify,  or what you wear but who your soul is :D 

Now as many of you know, Gay marriage is being decided by Supreme Court right now, and i think its important to put our money where our mouths are! and show support! send letters, make videos, make sure the world knows we are about equality! and that any two people who love each other should be allowed to get married! this is one of those moments in history where you can say, you watched it happen or you were a part of it! 

You dont have to be gay, to support gay rights, and if you are really about change, stop going to festivals and talking about the problems in the world and start changing them!! this is our moment to say we STOOD for what is right, or we watched it fly by us.....

up to you.... 

  • Use the correct title and name for the recipient. The U.S. Supreme Court's website lists the names of current justices at On the envelope and in the inside address of your letter, address the letter to "Chief Justice [Full Name]" or "Justice [Full Name]."
  • Use the salutation "Dear Chief Justice:" or, for the associate justices, "Dear Justice [Last Name]:"

  • Mail your letter to:
    The Supreme Court of the United States
    One First Street NE
    Washington, DC 20543