Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Congrats on DOMA finally going where it deserves, unconstitutional :D <3  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer is here!!

Summer is here :D and festie season is upon us!!

Quick loving reminder.... Raves are a place to express yourself, making fun of someone for listening to house, or trance because your into trap is complete opposite of what a rave is about..... its about expression and no judgment, if your judging girls for pasties or copying each other, if your hating on a genre, or on "mainstream" your not a raver....your just a hater and im sorry for you! lots of generes of music are all about the shiz talking so go party w them! haha

The point of a rave is doesn't matter if you love house, dubstep, trance, hardstyle, Nsync WHO CARES the point of a rave is to spread love! do you and be original....

Nothing original about hating and judging.... doesn't mean you know anything because ignorance spreads hate, when your not ignorant your aware that everybody is different, grows up different with different situations and loves different things.... only person you should worry about is yourself :D

Its simple guys we learned this when we were 5.....Nothing nice to say....say nothing at all....wanna bitch? plenty of scenes based on that!! go be angst somewhere else please! This isnt high school with cliques, judgement, and gossip hahaha


Spread Love, Understanding, and acceptance and remember who are you to judge anyone? if you think your better then people or know what is right you are DEF in the wrong scene.... because there is NO ONE WAY to live, there a millions! :D

Friday, June 14, 2013

So ive received this question in 6 different ways in 6 different emails already :D so here it is from personal experience 

"Is life completely boring once i cant rave anymore? i want to rave until i die but i dont want to be the creepy old guy or a burnout whats left after?"

Ok, breath, relax its gonna be ok :D there is life after! there is a scene for 25+, 35+ and beyond and there is equally as exhilarating, and amazing activities... and a rave can prepare you

So your 30, your starting to stretch at the raves, getting sick of the kids, and newbies and as a veteran raver are wondering what is my next ove?

Ok- so if you've been raving right, you've met people from all over the world! so guess what its time to travel, that friend you have on facebook from brasil who came to EDC, or that awesome girl you met at electric zoo from Barcelona, or that awesome kid in Cali, send em a message  book your flight, pack your car, grab your girl, your guy, your best friend and its time for an adventure :D ~ check out the local scene, new parties, new places, new bars, restaurants, sites, camp, go :D


Burning man, Kazantip, and countries like Spain, Israel, Hungary and eastern Europe all have raves for the 30+ some even Iding for 25+ :D 

like anything in life, you must change, adapt and grow or you will shrivel up and die :(..... so like anything if you keep doing the same raves, same thing, not only is it going to get tiering, your gonna become a downer, or the old creep talking about how it used to be and complaining about the children.... dont become a grandpa in ur 20s haha move on!!! go to events and raves your age

Find other outlets, use what you've learned at raves about peace and love, about family and a group, and about letting go and letting things be as they may to guide you.... the path is infront of you just walk on it... dont stay in place :D 

Shine on!

Rave on!   


Thursday, June 13, 2013

Thanks for all the emails!! :D and for any new readers feel free to email comments, suggestions, questions, or topics to :D!!! 

Raving soup for the soul

Why raving is good for the soul and mind :D when used correctly and not abused! :D like anything in life, you have to take in all you can from it, have to do it your way, and the right way, and have to keep the good karma flowing your way.....

So I hear a lot from people about how raving is waste of time, money, brain power, energy,

and i am here to tell you, watching TV is a waste of time and brain power, buying 200$ pants is a waste of money, or a louis vuitton bag for 500, going to the movies to see tom cruise save the day again, or the hangover 3 to see what more trouble these guys can get into..... 

To be honest most activites today in our society include, electronics, money, expending no energy, communicating no emotion, and expressing no soul.... 

Unlike a Rave where:

You travel! the only thing in the world you can spend money on that makes you a richer person

You meet new people from all over the world, the country, diffrent ethnicities, religons, and values which is very important because not everyone, actually MOST people in the USA dont grow up in mixed, metropolitan cities where they can experience diffrent cultures everyday and for some this will be the first time they will meet a Buddhist, an asian, a bulgarian, and anyone else that isnt the norm for there city. 

$$$ - the scene is gettin expensive, with new ultra prices. EDC prices, and it costing so much for a 3 day rave, is harsh! but not a waste! there is a reason for those who go to 200-500$ raves and those who go to underground raves and local things 20-100$.... your paying for the experience, and the crowd, i know i sometimes prefer a rave 300+ because i know people who paid that much money to come to a rave probably aren't going to want to get in trouble, like starting fights or acting a foooool (I mean it happens but muchhhhh less then a local rave/underground) Also i know people who spent prob 700+ including hotels and goodies aren't as likely  to rob me and there probably people actually about the music, and about the scene rather then about the substances if they spent that much $ for an event

 Side note: Overseas raves are cheaper, but again, they make less, they get taxed higher and in america people going to raves can afford it.....cant afford it? GET A JOB and contribute to society as well as work to know you've earned something so you dont feel like a piece of shit and buy your ticket!! Events like this motivate kids to work!

Now with obesity and diabetes being a huge problem in america i am for ANY event that gets people MOVING, and if there dancing, jumping, screaming, laughing and inspiring one another to be in good shape im EVEN MORE for it!! :D Now being young and sexy is something to flaunt if we want! we are all human and we all crave the same things ;) so when the guys are shirtless and the girls are in bikinis it only inspires getting in better shape.....maybe so you can get attention, or not be embarrassed in a swim suit....but any inspiration to work out :D is a good one!

What better way to spend your time then by spreading love! PLUR - Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect not all ravers are REALLY about it but its the idea and even those faking it are spreading it :D ... id rather someone fake smile at me then fake hit me cuz thats the scene..... I've seen a lot of people have great relaxation's about endless possibilities, dreaming, loving, and all being a family, part of one.....this only teaches kindess unlike watching a movie like Mean girls or Clueless which teach nothing and leave you with less brain cells after  

So: you can sit in your room and judge us ravers for living life, or you can put on an outfit, have a drink, grab some friends and come out enjoy, live, explore! or at least go camp! go DO SOMETHING that offers you travel, meeting people from all over the world, dancing, exercise, love, and happiness :D 

Rave On

Live On

Dream On