Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sparked EDM going mainstream??

Electronic Music has been huge in Europe, southeast asia, israel, and all around the world at clubs, raves, silent discos, and much more!!! so what sparked the giant epidemic that is EDM in the United States???.....well here's my opinion on this, which makes sense to me.....

When electronic music was introduced to America, it was mainly played in Gay clubs, at Pride events, and if anyone in America wanted to find a good electronic club to go to they would probably recommend a gay club......so it's no surprise that when being gay became more accepted in the United States with gay people on TV, talk shows, fashion shows, and even now with the marriage laws being decided on by the Supreme Court, that the music industry followed. Probably seeing this as the opportunity they have been waiting for to make millions off a scene that around the world is a billion dollar-scene, suddenly clubs were opening up for the purpose of only electronic music, DJ's began traveling all around America more frequently with more stages to perform at, and Miami, New York, and Vegas stopped being the only spots DJs would consider going.

Now i defiantly believe the EDM scene has gone mainstream for a dominio effect of reasons, with how the gay community has changed to be a few of the main dominos. Peoples want and need to express themselves, be themselves, share love, life, and get intoxicated and let loose with other people, we are designed to dance, love, be colorful and it will always be a huge part of why EDM is so big world wide and in America.

*side note: Hoping Supreme Court does the right thing and allows marriage for ALL regardless of sex or sexual orientation

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