Saturday, August 3, 2013

After seeing him 3 times now, i have to say Crizzly is doing it right, mixing some sick beats that get my crew moving

Now if your into something funky.......

Some for some trap i gotta say....

Now jus cause these songs are sick.......

Monday, July 29, 2013

Hope everyone got stupid this weekend and wrecked it!! Let it loose and shake it its all about letting it all go for a night ~

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are one

With electric zoo coming up with there 5 year anniversary there taking it another level with over 15 official after parties and events and EDC Vegas took a great route this year with there edc week! :) 
I think more great raves are realizing 3 days is not enough! And it's not just the rave we want we want its the connections! Raves remind us we are not islands and it's unhealthy to isolate yourself. We are all connected and in life as its said "it takes a village to raise a child" it's all ant community! The friends you make at these events become your family and help you from living a broken and lonely life :) but rather a complete person with love and outlets to help with all aspects of life :) having extra events so people can meet before and after the festival is a great idea! And should only continue on :) friends are as important as lovers because we are all one and all have each other if you don't have community you don't have balance :) 

Friday, July 12, 2013

The things I love about raves <3

This is just a rant and rave :) on why I love the rave scene and always will even long after I leave it fr new adventures :)

Raves are about equality, it doesn't matter if your rich or poor, white, brown , black or any shade it's all about having a good time keeping positivity flowing and someone is always there to lend a helping hand :) 

I can't say how many times I'd see someone lost or needing a hug and there's always a giving raver around.... Now I'm not saying everyone is awesome at raves but There in high supply of awesomeness and the ideals of love and unity even if only for one magical night truly shows how WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY 

For a night the world doesn't change but we do :) we come together as a grup and decide tonight we rage! Tonight we smile! Tonight we get wasted make love meet friends and unite with all the colorful people... We're the ones dancing were the ones raging we are the party :) we create the rave and the happiness and we can take those lessons into any area of life! 

Remember you create your own reality <3

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Congrats on DOMA finally going where it deserves, unconstitutional :D <3  

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Summer is here!!

Summer is here :D and festie season is upon us!!

Quick loving reminder.... Raves are a place to express yourself, making fun of someone for listening to house, or trance because your into trap is complete opposite of what a rave is about..... its about expression and no judgment, if your judging girls for pasties or copying each other, if your hating on a genre, or on "mainstream" your not a raver....your just a hater and im sorry for you! lots of generes of music are all about the shiz talking so go party w them! haha

The point of a rave is doesn't matter if you love house, dubstep, trance, hardstyle, Nsync WHO CARES the point of a rave is to spread love! do you and be original....

Nothing original about hating and judging.... doesn't mean you know anything because ignorance spreads hate, when your not ignorant your aware that everybody is different, grows up different with different situations and loves different things.... only person you should worry about is yourself :D

Its simple guys we learned this when we were 5.....Nothing nice to say....say nothing at all....wanna bitch? plenty of scenes based on that!! go be angst somewhere else please! This isnt high school with cliques, judgement, and gossip hahaha


Spread Love, Understanding, and acceptance and remember who are you to judge anyone? if you think your better then people or know what is right you are DEF in the wrong scene.... because there is NO ONE WAY to live, there a millions! :D

Friday, June 14, 2013

So ive received this question in 6 different ways in 6 different emails already :D so here it is from personal experience 

"Is life completely boring once i cant rave anymore? i want to rave until i die but i dont want to be the creepy old guy or a burnout whats left after?"

Ok, breath, relax its gonna be ok :D there is life after! there is a scene for 25+, 35+ and beyond and there is equally as exhilarating, and amazing activities... and a rave can prepare you

So your 30, your starting to stretch at the raves, getting sick of the kids, and newbies and as a veteran raver are wondering what is my next ove?

Ok- so if you've been raving right, you've met people from all over the world! so guess what its time to travel, that friend you have on facebook from brasil who came to EDC, or that awesome girl you met at electric zoo from Barcelona, or that awesome kid in Cali, send em a message  book your flight, pack your car, grab your girl, your guy, your best friend and its time for an adventure :D ~ check out the local scene, new parties, new places, new bars, restaurants, sites, camp, go :D


Burning man, Kazantip, and countries like Spain, Israel, Hungary and eastern Europe all have raves for the 30+ some even Iding for 25+ :D 

like anything in life, you must change, adapt and grow or you will shrivel up and die :(..... so like anything if you keep doing the same raves, same thing, not only is it going to get tiering, your gonna become a downer, or the old creep talking about how it used to be and complaining about the children.... dont become a grandpa in ur 20s haha move on!!! go to events and raves your age

Find other outlets, use what you've learned at raves about peace and love, about family and a group, and about letting go and letting things be as they may to guide you.... the path is infront of you just walk on it... dont stay in place :D 

Shine on!

Rave on!