Tuesday, July 16, 2013

We are one

With electric zoo coming up with there 5 year anniversary there taking it another level with over 15 official after parties and events and EDC Vegas took a great route this year with there edc week! :) 
I think more great raves are realizing 3 days is not enough! And it's not just the rave we want we want its the connections! Raves remind us we are not islands and it's unhealthy to isolate yourself. We are all connected and in life as its said "it takes a village to raise a child" it's all ant community! The friends you make at these events become your family and help you from living a broken and lonely life :) but rather a complete person with love and outlets to help with all aspects of life :) having extra events so people can meet before and after the festival is a great idea! And should only continue on :) friends are as important as lovers because we are all one and all have each other if you don't have community you don't have balance :) 

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