Friday, July 12, 2013

The things I love about raves <3

This is just a rant and rave :) on why I love the rave scene and always will even long after I leave it fr new adventures :)

Raves are about equality, it doesn't matter if your rich or poor, white, brown , black or any shade it's all about having a good time keeping positivity flowing and someone is always there to lend a helping hand :) 

I can't say how many times I'd see someone lost or needing a hug and there's always a giving raver around.... Now I'm not saying everyone is awesome at raves but There in high supply of awesomeness and the ideals of love and unity even if only for one magical night truly shows how WE CREATE OUR OWN REALITY 

For a night the world doesn't change but we do :) we come together as a grup and decide tonight we rage! Tonight we smile! Tonight we get wasted make love meet friends and unite with all the colorful people... We're the ones dancing were the ones raging we are the party :) we create the rave and the happiness and we can take those lessons into any area of life! 

Remember you create your own reality <3

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