Friday, April 12, 2013

A Rave - For all of us who don't fit into the 9-5 work week life, us who live off the beaten track, march to our own drum, and never fit in anywhere where we couldn't be ourselves. A rave is a place where you can dance howevwer you want, wear anything you like from dresses, to bathing suits, to fluffies, to panda suits nothing is weird at a rave because its a place to embrace the weird :D to get weird together

When i started Raving in 2001, the scene was very different, most ravers today probably hear this from anyone who started raving before 2010, and are probably sick of hearing that, but the past is always hard to let go for people, and in the Rave scene some of us like me, who have been apart of this music, and movement for a decade are just in SHOCK of how technology, money, and going mainstream has changed the scene, the people, the music, and the way parties are done. With anything in life though you have to move with the times, and if you truly love techno, trance, house, and PLUR it still exists  and so does GOOD music, but your not gonna find it on the radio, you can't let newbies get you down, WE WERE ALL NEWBIES once upon a time, we acted a fool, we learned from our mistakes, and its time to let the kids do just that and not concern ourselves with how they behave or how they are at a rave.

Its time to concentrate on OUR movement, the movement of classic raver, us who used to drive miles to get to a gas station in the middle of nowhere with  a map and a passcode, if you were cool enough and the guy at gas station liked you, you got adress for second meet up, now if you got past that theyd give you the location of the rave, and by the time you made this mission complete you were in wonderland :D a beautiful place of djs sharing there soul, people meeting to disconnect from society, life, and the world for a night or a few, and the exclusivity of knowing your vibes were good enough to get you to the rave brought such positive flows :D 

Though we were ravers, there was raver etiquette, something todays kids seriously lack a way of behaving around one another, though most of us are on substances to help expand our mind and soul, give us energy to keep going until the end of a rave, or even just to have a good time that wasn't the ONLY purpose, and we didn't spend the whole rave talking about what we were on and how much we were on and how cool we were for breaking laws and eating substances.... because if your eating a substance to be cool you are probably the furthest thing from cool..... Taking a substance to enhance the music, keep your body going, and to make  a fun time even better was what the scene was about back in the day :D we would say things like "This song, it touches my soul!" and people melting face would even be like "vibes are so intense :D gonna sit down"
todays kids have no class, and immediately are like "are you rolling? how much you take? what you on?" and the worst are those who spend there time talking about how "fucked up they are" cuz honey we can seee how fucked up you are, and theres nothing impressive  about it.... doesn't take skill to make a fool of yourself, eat too many substances, and barley remember the great event a RAVE should be... Now these kids may call themselves "ravers" but as a raver for 11 years now, I can tell you kids who behave like this never last too many years in the scene...  

Now Raving has never gone mainstream the way it has now so the number of people who are showing up as a fad, and think the scene is all about drugs, sex, and madness. They don't understand what its like to be so different and want a different place to express yourself, and some people like a little ice breaker, a substance to open them up to people and experiences, but to loose your mind, and to do it in public isn't ok and to ruin a magical event for a lot of people but not being able to control yourself, is just selfish and like anything in life we have to look out for the selfish, fad heads, who do things because there cool or because someone else is doing it....   

A rave is somewhere where you can express yourself, your inner weird, and embrace it, love it, and get to know other people just like you :) people who are on there own path, who didnt like the roads paved by others so they created there own road :D    

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