Friday, April 12, 2013

Poi, gloves, hoops and every gadget in between

 Hanging at a rave, you realize for many adventurous souls just dancing isn't enough, they want to master an art to go along to the amazing sounds there hearing, they want to control lights, control fire, and move there body in constant beautiful motion. 
Thanks to the rave scene being such a culture SO MANY gadgets, toys, led hoops, smart hoops, fire poi, fire hoops, fire fans,led pods, flow lights and so many more!!! 

Flowing isn't just to amaze those around you, and give a beautiful show of art for people around you to see its a great way of keeping your body in tuned. Spinning stretches your body out as your spinning weights on a string, as you dance and move around you work on your coordination, 
wrist movement and even balance. Sometimes dancing for 12 hours for 4 days straight can throw a person off there balance beam and sitting and watching others. Poi helps people become leaders, of there own life spinning and flowing as they do and getting energy from all the vibes around them of positive spirit, cheering them on and sitting around them watching, seeing how your own art can calm others souls really teaches more about self responsibility, how you can control the vibes keep them flowing smooth.
Flowing is a great way of feeding off of each others vibes and coming together to help one another. I cant tell you how many raves i saw people teaching other people new moves, new flow skill, working together to bring new art to life and flow friends being created. I started flowing myself because of how friendly everyone was and how easily i found having flow was under the right circumstances, with the right people, music and vibes and even learning to  spin fire.

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