Saturday, April 13, 2013

Types of people you meet raving

Here are some of the types people you meet at a rave :D 

 The Bro! always down for a high five, fist pump, random scream and giant hug even if you have never met, doesn't  like to wear a shirt, conversations go ; "I AM SO FKED UP!, THIS IS AWESOME! & screaming the name of the festival repeatedly..... anything past that is normally not possible, but they are always around when you need to scream randomly, start a random huddle, or hit on any chick as wasted as them. They do keep the energy moving through, and are always down for a laugh.  

Chicks who came to dance!!! now almost everyone at a rave came to dance and do there thing, and where they choose to dance says a lot about what there about for this rave. This girls, obviously in the back got there own little space going, not too crowded and are getting down! on some tunes some grooves and shaking it! these people are normally easy to talk to, introduce yourself and dance with, not being in the mess of the crowd makes it easier to exchange kandi, names, phone numbers, and are normally more "chill crowd" at the rave, not wanting to be right in the middle of the crowd.

The Front of the stage people, when i first starting raving that was my spot, i wanted to be as close to the DJ as possible, close to the music, lights, smoke and right in the center of all the dance action. I loved the crowd the feeling of being surrounded by that many souls all jumping and grooving and shaking like you feeling that beat drop and bass together! the few who spend the entire show up there trying to get as much energy in as possible are normally people not looking to meet new people but ones who came to just go as hard as possible.  I found with time i moved to be a mover...never staying in one place too long and trying to experience all the areas, people and variety of a rave.
The Glow raver, there normally covered in glow sticks, glow paints, light up hats, fuzzies, and anything else that might shine a light. These souls love attention so give it to them, great people to meet and interact with, they like to be center of attention so if thats your forte dont try to be bffs with these people :D but if your about meeting people to rave hard with who love making a splash these are the people for you. 
 The parent/child at i am no parents, and i wont tell people how to raise there kids but my opinion on children at raves is as follows: ONLY TIME child should be at a rave is day time hours, and if anything but EDM is being played (ex: strings, classic rock). Reason for this is daytime a rave can be like a family festival feel, or fair, but once night time hits, its insanity at its best, and if you think raising your kid around that environment is ok, maybe you shouldn't be a parent. (They should offer free condoms at raves--just saying)
The Kitty Cats... now these raver girls are normally wearing, underwear, lingerie, pasties, and sometimes add kitten ears or bunny ears. Now raves are mainly for young adults, the age where sex, music, and intoxication are part of our favorite things to do in life. Now i dont know any music scene where sex isn't a huge part of it because i dont know any human being that sex isn't a part of there lives. There is nothing wrong with showing you want attention, you are hoping to turn a few heads, and get some numbers and maybe even a partner for the night. Now this doesn't mean that because they wore that they are about hooking up, 99% of the time but some also just want the attention, lucky for the guys you can normally tell the 1% in a manner of minuetes.  
 The Animal guys! Normally dressed as, teddy bears, pandas, penguins, and every living creature allowed. these group of guys obviously came with the intention of having a great time! and doing there own thing. sometimes dressing like this to signal unity for the crew they came with and mostly just to be completely ridiculous and feel like you have your own little world inside the costume to be yourself and express whatever you want! Normally very friendly, always down for a photo!
 The girl in the outfit  now i have seen some outfits at raves that must of taken months!! and 1000's of dollars, this is a simple wolf outfit but outfits come in all shapes, varieties  and can be anything from an animal, to a character like Alice, or even a mirror suit!. These girls obviously love bringing a fresh look to the rave, and probably planned these outfits months in advance, normally as a group, and really bring to life the idea that YOU ARE THE STAR of a rave, the djs just provide the groove! 
Creepy old guy, we've all seen him, between 35-70 years old! obviously at the event to stare at half naked girls young enough to be his daughter or even grand daughter! and can't let go of how things USED to be, moving on with the times is a part of life and though i do love to rave, in my old age i wont be hitting the dance floor, hitting on children, and not realizing when its time to let go! 

Ladies, he may seem wise, sweet, and will probably buy you anything you want for the night, but seriously dont sell your soul to the creeeeper who brings the worst kind of vibes to a show!.

Jail Bait- Or Obvious Children in adult costumes. Now no matter the age restriction at raves, 18+, 21+ or all ages, There will always be 13 year olds such as these who decide dressing in tiny amounts of clothes and having good fake IDs will get them in always manage to find there way into a rave. When your drunk, rollin, tripping or on whatever level you may be on for a moment you may not look closely enough but always take a second look before talking to any girls! these children, who probably having father issues, are one step away from making your unbelievable rave a nightmare. If you think some adults can't handle themselves on substances, wait until you see children. Sadly the creepy old guy, will probably end up taking this mess off your hands fellas, if not there are PLENTY of kitty cat ravers, no need to go here

The Past out or ima lay here/in middle of the crowd raver, we've all seen him, laying there, and wonder will he be stomped on? how much is he on? maybe hes just extremely lazy and doesn't realize they have designated areas for this so you dont kill the vibe of a grooving area, or get stomped on the face by groovers?.... prehaps, but this is not the person you are looking for in your raver family, the lazy raver is NEVER a good addition.  

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