Tuesday, April 16, 2013

PLUR- Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect

PLUR has been a part of the Rave culture and scene before the acronym made its way into the scene. When Raves started they were a place for anyone , gay, straight, black, white, Asian, hispanic, trans, or anyone who wants to dress as anything and be anyone for the night, forever, it was a fantastic place to express ones self. like anything though PLUR can be used or abused, a lot of people use it to represent love, and kindness but also a lot of people use it to get laid, sell drugs, buy drugs, or even steal from impressionable people!

Now we all have to be careful ANYWHERE we go, and a rave is no exception  Yes its a place to let loose, be yourself, and give your love to anyone! Of course some people are there just to use and abuse it but i find u cant get used or abused if YOU are actually on a path representing PLUR. MOST of the people who get played, used, robbed, or anything in between were talking to that person for the wrong reasons to begin with, REALLY ask yourself why your there? why are you talking to this person? if they give u a creepy vibe walk away, if you dont your prob after something so dont get upset when you get burnedddd instead....

To all the new ravers i keep meeting who tell stories of how all these bad things happened to them, i know SOME of you are actual victims of life and bad people! but most of you, know you were asking for it, you were trying to use someone for something and got played and used back in return.....

Dont hate on the PLUR :D its wonderful! and like anything can be used to share love, peace, and happiness, or be used to convince and lure impressionable people, but at the same time a rave isn't a place for impressionable children to begin with, its a party, its madness, its beautiful, and crazy!!

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